The idacd shell script has been design to facilitate project management, project packaging and quality control on Equifax ACD and DACD projects running on Red Hat Linux and Oracle database environments. It requires no Linux or bash knowledge by the users.
At the command prompt, type ‘idacd’.
The options are:
At the prompt, enter a valid OASIS id number. If an invalid OASIS id is entered, the program terminates and nothing is done. This option completes all 9 steps required for specialist packaging and qa verification.
At the prompt, enter a valid OASIS id number, a PRD number and a client name. If an invalid OASIS id is entered, the program terminates and nothing is done. This option is client specific and it’s only for OASIS based projects
NOTE! The temporary folder created by the program is okay to be deleted. It is created only for QA purposes only.
This option completes both i and ii above at the same time.
At the prompt, enter a valid BATCH client. If an invalid BATCH client is entered, the program terminates and nothing is done. The only BATCH clients available at this moment are AMEX, BU and CITI. The projects for these clients are semi-automated and their output files are created automatically after each ACD/DACD database refresh. This option completes all 9 steps required for specialist packaging and qa verification.
At the prompt, enter a valid BATCH client and a PRD number. If an invalid BATCH client is entered, the program terminates and nothing is done. The only BATCH clients available at this moment are AMEX, BU and CITI. This option is client specific and it’s only for BATCH based projects.
NOTE! The permanent folder created by the program must NOT be deleted as it contains all original files.
This option completes both iv and v above at the same time.
This option covers the output analysis for all ACD/DACD projects in an interactive mode. It’s faster if you are only interested in checking only few checkpoints.
This option keeps track of projects that have been already performed by users. When this option is triggered a list of outstanding projects is displayed asking the user to take action. The purpose of this functionality is to keep the dspdb server clean.
Quits the program.