Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 82 | Argument $arg is missing from the Docblock of stripImageName |
error | 82 | No summary for function \stripImageName() |
error | 91 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of resultsWithOptions |
error | 91 | No summary for function \resultsWithOptions() |
error | 33 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 82 | Argument $arg is missing from the Docblock of stripImageName |
error | 82 | No summary for function \stripImageName() |
error | 91 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of resultsWithOptions |
error | 91 | No summary for function \resultsWithOptions() |
error | 33 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 6 | Argument $filename is missing from the Docblock of csv_to_array |
error | 45 | Argument $dbh is missing from the Docblock of mysql_insert_array |
error | 45 | Argument $arr is missing from the Docblock of mysql_insert_array |
error | 45 | Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of mysql_insert_array |
error | 73 | Argument $arr is missing from the Docblock of print_arr |
error | 73 | No summary for function \print_arr() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 8 | No summary for function \microtime_float() |
error | 220 | Argument $mysqlResource is missing from the Docblock of mysqlFieldNamesArray |
error | 220 | No summary for function \mysqlFieldNamesArray() |
error | 55 | Argument $tabularData is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 48 | No summary for property $tabularData |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 7 | Argument $style_class is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 7 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 7 | Argument $is_password is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 7 | Argument $locked is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 28 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 28 | Argument $style_class is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 28 | Argument $options_arr is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 28 | Argument $match_select_value is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 28 | Argument $multiple_size is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 28 | Argument $locked is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 28 | No summary for function \formOptions() |
error | 59 | Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of usToSpaces |
error | 59 | No summary for function \usToSpaces() |
error | 83 | Argument $data_func is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $param_arr is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $headings_arr is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $column_func is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $style_class is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $sort_key is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $sort_order is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $cname is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | No summary for function \tabularData() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 30 | Argument $tabularData is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 85 | Name of argument $sortbyField does not match with the DocBlock's name $thumbsColumn in buildHTMLTable() |
error | 85 | Argument $forceTextArr is missing from the Docblock of buildHTMLTable |
error | 85 | Name of argument $forceTextArr does not match with the DocBlock's name $thumbsDirectory in buildHTMLTable() |
error | 85 | Argument $pg_num is missing from the Docblock of buildHTMLTable |
error | 85 | Name of argument $pg_num does not match with the DocBlock's name $thumbsDirectory in buildHTMLTable() |
notice | 85 | Parameter $thumbsColumn could not be found in buildHTMLTable() |
error | 23 | No summary for property $tabularData |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 21 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 25 | No summary for method setStart() |
error | 29 | No summary for method setEnd() |
error | 33 | Argument $precision is missing from the Docblock of getExecuteTimeInSec |
error | 33 | No summary for method getExecuteTimeInSec() |
error | 37 | No summary for method getMicrotimeFloat() |
error | 43 | No summary for method toString() |
error | 18 | No summary for property $startTime |
error | 19 | No summary for property $endTime |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 104 | Name of argument $userObj does not match with the DocBlock's name $userID in signIn() |
notice | 104 | Parameter $userID could not be found in signIn() |
notice | 104 | Parameter $userPassword could not be found in signIn() |
error | 26 | No summary for property $userID |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 26 | Argument $db_handle is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 19 | No summary for property $db_handle |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 33 | Argument $db_handle is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 105 | Argument $roleId is missing from the Docblock of removePermissionOnRole |
error | 105 | Argument $permissionId is missing from the Docblock of removePermissionOnRole |
error | 105 | No summary for method removePermissionOnRole() |
error | 26 | No summary for property $db_handle |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 20 | No summary for property $messages |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 29 | Argument $db_handle is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 29 | Argument $username is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 80 | No summary for method doesUserExist() |
error | 108 | No summary for method getFirstName() |
error | 112 | No summary for method getLastName() |
error | 132 | Name of argument $email does not match with the DocBlock's name $password in create() |
error | 165 | Name of argument $username does not match with the DocBlock's name $password in update() |
error | 165 | Name of argument $email does not match with the DocBlock's name $first_name in update() |
error | 165 | Name of argument $first_name does not match with the DocBlock's name $last_name in update() |
error | 165 | Argument $last_name is missing from the Docblock of update |
error | 192 | Argument $rolesId is missing from the Docblock of assignRole |
error | 247 | Argument $username is missing from the Docblock of generateDefault |
error | 247 | No summary for method generateDefault() |
error | 16 | No summary for property $db_handle |
error | 18 | No summary for property $id |
error | 19 | No summary for property $username |
error | 20 | No summary for property $password |
error | 21 | No summary for property $email |
error | 22 | No summary for property $first_name |
error | 23 | No summary for property $last_name |
error | 24 | No summary for property $roles_id |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 142 | Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getV |
error | 142 | Argument $dataArray is missing from the Docblock of getV |
error | 142 | Argument $new_default is missing from the Docblock of getV |
error | 158 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of fixOrdering |
error | 158 | No summary for function \fixOrdering() |
error | 192 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 52 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of additionalFeatures |
error | 52 | No summary for function \additionalFeatures() |
error | 61 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 112 | Argument $xmlfile is missing from the Docblock of well_formed_check |
error | 112 | No summary for function \well_formed_check() |
error | 139 | Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of cdata_trim |
error | 139 | No summary for function \cdata_trim() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 277 | Argument $xmlfile is missing from the Docblock of well_formed_check |
error | 277 | No summary for function \well_formed_check() |
error | 300 | Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of cdata_trim |
error | 300 | No summary for function \cdata_trim() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 86 | Argument $xmlfile is missing from the Docblock of well_formed_check |
error | 86 | No summary for function \well_formed_check() |
error | 109 | Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of cdata_trim |
error | 109 | No summary for function \cdata_trim() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 7 | Argument $style_class is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 7 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 7 | Argument $is_password is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 7 | Argument $locked is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 28 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 28 | Argument $style_class is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 28 | Argument $options_arr is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 28 | Argument $match_select_value is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 28 | Argument $multiple_size is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 28 | Argument $locked is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 28 | No summary for function \formOptions() |
error | 59 | Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of usToSpaces |
error | 59 | No summary for function \usToSpaces() |
error | 83 | Argument $data_func is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $param_arr is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $headings_arr is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $column_func is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $style_class is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $sort_key is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $sort_order is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | Argument $cname is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 83 | No summary for function \tabularData() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 7 | Argument $style_class is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 7 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 7 | Argument $is_password is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 7 | Argument $locked is missing from the Docblock of formInput |
error | 24 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 24 | Argument $style_class is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 24 | Argument $options_arr is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 24 | Argument $match_select_value is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 24 | Argument $multi_size is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 24 | Argument $locked is missing from the Docblock of formOptions |
error | 24 | No summary for function \formOptions() |
error | 55 | Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of usToSpaces |
error | 55 | No summary for function \usToSpaces() |
error | 79 | Argument $data_func is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 79 | Argument $param_arr is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 79 | Argument $headings_arr is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 79 | Argument $column_func is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 79 | Argument $style_class is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 79 | Argument $sort_key is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 79 | Argument $sort_order is missing from the Docblock of tabularData |
error | 79 | No summary for function \tabularData() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 16 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 17 | No summary for property $dbh |
error | 19 | No summary for property $time |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 78 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of fixOrdering |
error | 78 | No summary for function \fixOrdering() |
error | 185 | Argument $col is missing from the Docblock of filterColumns |
error | 185 | No summary for function \filterColumns() |
error | 89 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 80 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of fixOrdering |
error | 80 | No summary for function \fixOrdering() |
error | 189 | Argument $col is missing from the Docblock of updateRetiredFlag |
error | 189 | No summary for function \updateRetiredFlag() |
error | 97 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 85 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of fixOrdering |
error | 85 | No summary for function \fixOrdering() |
error | 180 | Argument $col is missing from the Docblock of updateRetiredFlag |
error | 180 | No summary for function \updateRetiredFlag() |
error | 94 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 82 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of fixOrdering |
error | 82 | No summary for function \fixOrdering() |
error | 177 | Argument $col is missing from the Docblock of updateRetiredFlag |
error | 177 | No summary for function \updateRetiredFlag() |
error | 91 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 4 | No summary for function \connect_db() |
error | 10 | No summary for function \createMapXMLfile() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 16 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 32 | No summary for function \add_term() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 47 | Argument $input_str is missing from the Docblock of insert_glossary_terms |
error | 47 | Argument $term is missing from the Docblock of insert_glossary_terms |
error | 47 | Argument $glossary_id is missing from the Docblock of insert_glossary_terms |
error | 47 | No summary for function \insert_glossary_terms() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 4 | Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of print_h1 |
error | 4 | No summary for function \print_h1() |
error | 8 | Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of print_h2 |
error | 8 | No summary for function \print_h2() |
error | 12 | Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of print_p |
error | 12 | No summary for function \print_p() |
error | 16 | Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of print_br |
error | 16 | No summary for function \print_br() |
error | 20 | Argument $path_to_dir is missing from the Docblock of get_files |
error | 20 | No summary for function \get_files() |
error | 41 | Argument $filename is missing from the Docblock of csv_to_array |
error | 106 | Argument $arr is missing from the Docblock of sqlite_insert_array |
error | 106 | Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of sqlite_insert_array |
error | 106 | Argument $valid_cols is missing from the Docblock of sqlite_insert_array |
error | 106 | Argument $filter is missing from the Docblock of sqlite_insert_array |
error | 172 | Argument $arr is missing from the Docblock of sqlite_insert_array_with_parsing |
error | 172 | Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of sqlite_insert_array_with_parsing |
error | 172 | Argument $valid_cols is missing from the Docblock of sqlite_insert_array_with_parsing |
error | 172 | Argument $filter is missing from the Docblock of sqlite_insert_array_with_parsing |
error | 172 | No summary for function \sqlite_insert_array_with_parsing() |
error | 239 | Argument $arr is missing from the Docblock of print_arr |
error | 239 | No summary for function \print_arr() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 5 | Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of parse_italics |
error | 5 | No summary for function \parse_italics() |
error | 78 | Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of parse_bolds |
error | 78 | No summary for function \parse_bolds() |
error | 151 | Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of parse_scientific_tags |
error | 151 | No summary for function \parse_scientific_tags() |
error | 318 | Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of parse_paragraphs |
error | 318 | No summary for function \parse_paragraphs() |
error | 356 | Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of parse_linebreaks |
error | 356 | No summary for function \parse_linebreaks() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 66 | Argument $field is missing from the Docblock of process_text |
error | 66 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of process_text |
error | 66 | No summary for function \process_text() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 150 | Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getV |
error | 150 | Argument $dataArray is missing from the Docblock of getV |
error | 150 | Argument $new_default is missing from the Docblock of getV |
error | 164 | Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getChecked |
error | 164 | Argument $dataArray is missing from the Docblock of getChecked |
error | 164 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of getChecked |
error | 164 | Argument $default is missing from the Docblock of getChecked |
error | 183 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of fixOrdering |
error | 183 | No summary for function \fixOrdering() |
error | 230 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 323 | Argument $decision is missing from the Docblock of writeApprovalStamp |
error | 340 | Argument $lang is missing from the Docblock of isUserLocked |
error | 355 | Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getV |
error | 355 | Argument $dataArray is missing from the Docblock of getV |
error | 367 | Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getChecked |
error | 367 | Argument $dataArray is missing from the Docblock of getChecked |
error | 367 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of getChecked |
error | 380 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 90 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 94 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 52 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of additionalFeatures |
error | 52 | No summary for function \additionalFeatures() |
error | 65 | Argument $col is missing from the Docblock of filterColumns |
error | 65 | No summary for function \filterColumns() |
error | 101 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 52 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of additionalFeatures |
error | 52 | No summary for function \additionalFeatures() |
error | 65 | Argument $col is missing from the Docblock of filterColumns |
error | 65 | No summary for function \filterColumns() |
error | 101 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 50 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of additionalFeatures |
error | 50 | No summary for function \additionalFeatures() |
error | 63 | Argument $col is missing from the Docblock of filterColumns |
error | 63 | No summary for function \filterColumns() |
error | 99 | No summary for function \writeContent() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 106 | Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getV |
error | 106 | Argument $dataArray is missing from the Docblock of getV |
error | 106 | Argument $new_default is missing from the Docblock of getV |
error | 120 | Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getChecked |
error | 120 | Argument $dataArray is missing from the Docblock of getChecked |
error | 120 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of getChecked |
error | 120 | Argument $default is missing from the Docblock of getChecked |
error | 139 | Argument $row is missing from the Docblock of fixOrdering |
error | 139 | No summary for function \fixOrdering() |
error | 178 | No summary for function \writeContent() |